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Writer's pictureAntoinette Hines


Suddenly means quickly and unexpectedly (google).

What is that prayer on repeat in your heart, you know that unspoken request. The secret desire of your heart no one knows about or that you have never openly said. Here is my question for you, what happens when your suddenly arrives? Are you truly in alignment, postured, and positioned for your suddenly? Acts 16:25-26 Paul and Silas were in prison praying and singing hymns to God, gviing praise. Other prisoners heard them then suddenly unexpectedly there was a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16:27-34 Because of the prayers and praise other people in the prison with Paul and Silas were set free. Without Paul and Silas being in alignment the jailer and his family would have missed their timing coming to know the Lord and being baptized. They were a living example of how God would save and set free, others around them were delivered. They displayed a heart posture for God through the circumstances. What are some things you need to work on to be in alignment with you prayer request. Paul and Silas prayed and their response was praise to be in alignment with their request of God. Are you stewarding what God has placed in you?

Again what happens when your prayer is suddenly answered? In 2015, I wrote a prayer to God that asked for what I desired in my life and for the service I give unto God. I gave God my plans and He gave me a better plan. From 2015 through 2020 I dated imposters so I decided I never wanted another relation or to get married again. After the breakup I was seeking counseling, walking through healing and being intentional about focusing on me. I was intentional about serving God and walking out my purpose. I realized everything I had gone through in my relationships was to further develop me and strengthen me for where I was headed. Back to serving God, I saw a man who was feeding the Homeless and ministering to their hearts. He treated every single individual he encountered the same. He was so gentle and loving with each person as he prepared their food and watched over the ministry team working. I saw his heart on full display. No pretending, no additives, he operated in the love of God and I was in awe of his love for people, all people.

Months later we both attended a church event and I saw this gentleman recording the service. It was clear to me he had a heart to serve and was very humble. As he says, it was at that very event that God illuminated me to him. From that day forward we developed a bond of friendship. We realized we both have the same passion for people and serve no matter where we go. How often do you find someone who has your heart to love without limits what God has placed in your hands? This gentleman 10 months later became my husband and he was my answered prayer from 2015. He was my suddenly! I was positioned to do God's work no matter where he sent me. I was postured with a heart to serve others and honor God. I was in the place God sent me to see what became my future and SUDDENLY I was looking at the hand of God working on my behalf to show my now husband who I was to be to him. Everything that was written has come to pass except the birth of a son, When he comes I will boldly proclaim God Did it!

Are you walking in preparation for that very thing you prayed for? Have you been going to school to be educated and developed for that role or position in your dream job? What are you doing to be postured for the door that God is going to open for you? If you haven't taken the courses, invested in a coach, started the classes or even researched the requirements; do you really expect an answer? That dream house with the long driveway and large backyard suddenly becomes available, have you done the financial work for the mortgage? You want to save and invest for long term wealth, have you made a plan to obtain your dream?

It was neccessary that I experienced the relationships that I went through to further develop me into the woman I have become. I learned so much about myself from the failures and adjustments I needed to make within myself. To be what my husband needed, wanted and desired, I had to be transparent, open and vulnerable with who I am and where I have been. I had to learn to release control and my total independence to become one with him. My suddenly required a shift in mindset and attitude prior to our connect, during our dating and in marriage. It took work and I'm still working. Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a WIFE finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the Lord. I was already a wife because I was prepared and ready. I was not waiting to get married to become a wife. I was already walking in truth and faithful to the things of God and my commitments in life. I was already taking care of my home and making things happen before we met.

In all that you have read I hope you have a mindset shift to get prepared for the things you have been praying for. Walk towards your dreams, do not quit and definitely do not let the negative words of others stop you from progressing to greatness. You have a predestined purpose over your life and you are still here to fulfill what is within you. If you do it in faith, that requires action so move towards the dreams that are burning within you. James 2:26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead. You cannot want the job but never apply. You cannot want the promotion but never put in the work at your current level. You cannot want to invest if you never save a dime or dollar. You cannot play an instrument if you never touch the keys, stroke the strings, blow the mouth piece, or tap the head of the drum! You have to do something to get something in return, I suggest you get active in making your dreams come true. Someone is waiting for you to show up!

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